
Pieta Ferreira

Principal Mechatronics Engineer

Ferreira’s research interests include but are not limited to, hydrogen internal combustion engines and infrastructure, cloud-based software development for the mining industry and metal additive manufacturing machine design.

Full Profile

Ferreira holds a BEng degree in mechanical engineering from Stellenbosch University. He joined the CSIR in 2023 as Principal Mechatronic Engineer in the People-Centric Mining Modernisation division of the CSIR Future Production: Mining cluster, focusing on decarbonisation and developing smart cloud-based software for the mining industry. He is a co-founder and director of Additive Solutions – a South African metal additive manufacturing OEM. He has managed and completed numerous projects involving simulation-based design to achieve effective interdisciplinary system development. These include military vehicle and mining equipment design, aerodynamic optimisation of aircraft, and metal additive manufacturing platforms’ design and commercialisation. Ferreira also has extensive experience in various manufacturing technologies and manufacturing management.

Expertise: Mechanical engineering, product development, hydrogen internal combustion engines, metal additive manufacturing software development

Academic qualifications: 
  • BSc (Mechanical Engineering), Stellenbosch University
  • BSc (Hons) (Mechanical Engineering), Stellenbosch University, 2012
Pieta Ferreirs, Mining expert

Contact Person

Pieta Ferreira
